Private Sound Healing
With Mandy Majewicz
$125 for 60 Minute session
(+ $15 each additional person)
Email or call (470) 253-4088 to book
Sound Healing is an ancient wellness practice that harnesses the power of sound vibration to promote healing, relaxation, and self-care. Let me explain what a sound healing session involves and how it affects your mind and body:
Sound healing or vibrational medicine, uses instruments, music, tones and other sonic vibration to balance and heal the body, mind and sprit.
It creates a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release.
During a sound healing session, you’ll encounter various overtone-emitting instruments, such as: chimes, gongs, singing bowls and drums.
What to expect in a session:
You’ll lie down in a cozy and comfortable space, close your eyes and let sound wash over you. The therapist will play a variety of instruments specific to your needs. You will feel the vibration as well as hear the music, it can create a deep sense of relaxation, sometimes even reaching a dreamlike state.